OP Gear
9th Grade Girls Blue
Upcoming Schedule
There are no upcoming events.
Aleksa Svarogina
Blake Pelrofsky
Brynn Skinner
Ella Ratajczky
Jasmine Malinaro
Megan Murry
Mia Karajic
Olive Guttormsen
Ryan Horvath
Shea Kelly
Some players may play on other OP teams
Head Coach
Michael Skinner
Players must commit to a team online by Sunday, August 18th by 8:00pm
OP Fall Travel Team fee is $1,100 ($1,070 if you paid the $30 tryout fee). The team fee includes 5 team shootouts / tournaments and 1 team practice a week. All new player uniform packages are $250.
All fees are due at the first practice, checks made payable to Optimum Performance. All payment plans must be paid in full by September 19th.
Next Practice
Tuesday, August 27th from 8:15pm-9:30pm
St. Viator High School, 1213 E Oakton St, Arlington Heights, IL 60004Tournaments
Shootout / Tournament Dates